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A Psychologist's Thoughts on Clinical Practice, Behavior, and Life

Possible Psychological Motive Of The Trump Assassin Attempter

Newspaper reports of Ryan Routh, the man who was arrested for allegedly attempting former President Trump's assassination, describe Routh's long attempt to find a mission in life by making arms deals and recruiting soldiers for Ukraine and Taiwan with none succeeding. When younger he was rejected for military service and there was no news mention of current romantic interest though stating he was divorced and had children. Yet love or its equivalent is instinctive to all animals of which humans are a part. For humans, love, ideally, is when the other's welfare is made equal to one's own and honesty and communication is total. When absent, aloneness produces unbearable anxiety and a prison to escape. The total failure to achieve this can result in psychosis, a withdrawal from the outside world with behavior based on delusions during which the pain of separation disappears.
To be separate means to be helpless, arousing shame which can also be avoided by involvement in religion or artistic creation or obsessive work though the fulfilling solution for most is through love. Was Routh's obsessive involvement in his missions motivated by underlying problem with intimacy?

His behavior may also have reflected depression, the sense of having deep problems and cry for help, or the desire for what is termed "suicide-by-cop." The unconscious is very powerful and one must respect its power.


Note: This item was updated as further information became publicly available.

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Prosecuting Parents For Their Child's Crime

A Wall Street Journal Article ("Parents and School Shooters/Georgia has charged the father of 14-year-old Colt Gray. Is that fair?"/September 6, 2024) aroused several thoughts: 1. Babies are not born with parenting instructions and knowledge of child psychological development is greatly lacking among parents, doctors, lawyers, and politicians. 2. There is evil in the world which must be punished. 3. The unconscious is very powerful and one must respect its power. 4. Mental illness creates tunnel vision making crazy thoughts seem very real though when out of it one wonders how they could have once believed them. 5. Mildly poor parenting behavior shouldn't be criminalized but where to draw the line can be difficult to determine.

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On Ballerinas And Dating

A Wall Street Journal article ("Less Painful Ballet Shoes Are Here. Some Dancers Refuse to Use Them"/August 25, 2024) aroused a thought. Having no interest in ballet and never viewing one I remembered my long-ago, now deceased friend, a martial art student who met dates by taking ballet dance notation classes ostensibly to document his martial art moves. "The women starved themselves and were hungry for a good meal," he said, explaining his success.

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