A recent psychology listserv posting, referring to the layoff of federal workers, called it an "existential crisis." With which I must disagree! An existential crisis is a medical emergency or war situation and not unemployment though losing one's job is a major stress and one that all must learn to cope with. That unemployment can feel existential is another matter and that it can arouse depression and even physical symptoms is certain. But maturation means being able to consider matters in perspective. A job may feel like a supportive family that will provide sustenance for life but it is not.
I've had periods of unemployment and was once laid off from a government job with the union delegate stating that he'd never seen a government layoff before. But the county had financial problem, I was considered highly paid and so re-hired part-time.
All my periods of unemployment led to better results, as hopefully will happen with these laid-off workers. I've had patients who came to this country unable to speak English, learned it and more to earn more than many. I believe in the resilience of people, both youth and adults, which is a notion that seems to have become unpopular today. Nuff said.